from an idea to success

Concept development
  • Marketing analysis of the territory
  • Determination in the main directions, specialization, menu of services. Description of the technologies proposed for use and the general principles of the impact.
  • Formation of the composition of the premises and preliminary calculation of areas for each zone.
  • Description of the maximum number of visitors and the duration of their stay.
  • Sketches of architectural and planning solutions
  • Visualization of the conceptual idea and photo-selection of the main zones
  • List of works
We created a unique and interesting idea. Thet specializes in the future of enterprise, as well as the main directions of services in it.

We take into account location, paying attention to the historical factors and natural resources of the area. That allows us to make an attractive and non-standard product from each object, in which a unique local feature will be applied. This is especially important for spa and wellness resorts, sanatoriums, medical spas and health&lifestyle resorts.
Investment budget and Business Plan
  • Feasibility study and project evaluation.
  • Investment budget: an enlarged calculation of the investment package (project implementation)
  • Calculation of the revenue part in the process of operation
  • Operating cost forecast
  • ROI
  • Profit forecast and payback periods
  • Price forecast for indicators
  • •Calculation (detailed)
  • •Download forecast
  • Business plan
  • List of works
More than 20 years of practical (not theoretical) experience at all stages of creating SPA, Wellness and Medical projects - from concept and project to construction, operation and management allows us to create a really working business model, in which a detailed study of the activities of the future enterprise will be carried out, as well as an assessment of costs and results, the efficiency of using the facility, the payback period of investments. At the same time, we have expert experience in building both new facilities and in carrying out reconstruction / business restart, where we can adapt a new business model to existing or planned architectural volumes.
Conceptual Design& Architectural Solutions
The design created by our architects disposes our guest for a comfortable pastime that always takes into account the characteristics of the target audience and the technology for performing procedures. The project reflects the latest fashion trends, while remaining unique to the smallest detail, inimitable in every element.
We provide not only conceptual development, but also support of the object, from the author's idea to its commissioning.
The correct concept of a SPA, Wellness and Medical project is, first of all, functionality, convenience and the ability to make every square meter profitable.

We will offer the optimal area of the future enterprise, taking into account the needs of future guests, and we will also take into account all the design and technical features of the building.

When creating an architectural concept, we consider not only the latest global industry trends and standards, but also apply Vastu (Feng Shui) design principles, if necessary.
Medical Spa clinics
Anti-Pro-Age Clinics
Aqua thermal complexes
Wellness complexes
Lifestyle&Health Resorts
Business Technologies
What does business technology include?
SPA, Wellness and Medical project, being a service provider, requires a very careful study of the final product. For your guests to appreciate the service and quality, we recommend the service of creating own business technology.
  • Development of a unique service menu
  • Selection of equipment and consumables that will meet the latest industry trends and form a unique product offer that will attract customers.
  • Detailing business relationships with suppliers of cosmetics and consumables. Drawing up a package of supply contracts, specifications for professional products and retail cosmetic products for home care.
  • We also offer exclusive equipment for the facility and select global supplier companies.
  • Development of methods, technological maps for services in accordance with the specifics of the industry
  • Drawing up programs and combined protocols for obtaining the best results and increasing sales.
  • Calculation of the cost of services, taking into account the price level of competitors.
  • Calculation of marginal profit. Substantiation of the proposed menu with price information by profitability indicators
  • Schematic description of the organizational structure with integration into the structure of the main enterprise (if applicable). Construction of the scheme and the description of business communications between services.
  • Determining the need for staff. Drawing up a staffing table and writing functional duties. Determination of basic qualification requirements for personnel, selection of forms and systems of remuneration. Development of a wage system and the initial formation of a payroll.
  • Recommendations and assistance in recruitment.
  • Development of personnel training
We control the delivery and take into account all the nuances in the execution of supply contracts. What is important is that we can significantly reduce the cost of equipment. One of the most important components of success is the competent equipment of the enterprise. Knowledge of technical, technological and operational characteristics helps choose the equipment that will help provide services that meet even the most demanding customers, as well as optimize the investment budget.
Project consulting
However, if the design is carried out by contractors specialists of the Customer's company, we recommend using the expert support service. We will develop technological tasks and technical specifications for the design of a SPA & Medical centre for your contractors. As a result, you will receive a project that complies with the features of the functioning and maintenance of technological equipment for the production of services, the requirements for lighting, ventilation, noise insulation and the microclimate of the premises. At the same time, the areas will be calculated based on the necessary parameters based on the attendance of the facility and will consider the operational features and requirements of the medical license (cleaning and disinfection, storage of supplies, etc.)
We do everything to ensure that the engineering systems and technical parameters of your SPA, Wellness and Medical project correspond to the goals and objectives, and most importantly ensure a comfortable stay for the guest. Thanks to practical experience in the operation of facilities, our experts will help to avoid design errors, reduce construction costs, and do everything to ensure that the future facility meets not only current regulations and state standards, but is also practical in operation.

The need for expert support lies primarily in the specifics of the business. Architects and designers do not have comprehensive knowledge of the technology of procedures and the smallest features in operation. For this reason, even a properly designed facility, in terms of standards, may be completely unsuitable for providing services, and will not be able to generate the necessary financial flows. We carry out a full cycle of work on a project from the idea of ​​​​creation to management.
An integrated approach allows you to achieve the highest possible result, reduce time and investment. The main thing is to avoid serious mistakes that can lead to big losses.
Start-up & Management
100% of our customers recommend us as a professional and responsible business partner. After the start-up (launch) of the facility, the management company (operator) is ready to take over the operational management of the facility. The management company is perfect for those entrepreneurs who are not ready to devote a lot of time to business but want to receive a guaranteed financial result.

The terms of cooperation are individual and depend on the location, area of ​​the premises and the results of negotiations with investors (owners).

Trusting professionals and thereby minimizing entrepreneurial risk is an excellent solution for those who want to consistently earn money, and not fill managerial "bumps".
What areas does a startup include?
5.Zero cycle: start-up team work at the facility from 3 months.
6. Launching and debugging automation systems
7. Control checks and certification of personnel in order to open a profitable and stable business, you no longer need to have expert knowledge. We undertake the solution of all tasks related to the launch and operation of the facility.
1. Development of business technology
2. Search and hiring of personnel
3. Marketing from the creation of a brand book to the promotion of the finished product.
4. Legal support for the preparation of packages of documents for licensing, SEN, personnel records management and other permits

A pre-made team of experts with experience in launching more than 200 businesses. A well-established mechanism of work, a large pool of proven contractors in various fields of activity will allow you to start and debug the business in the shortest possible time.

Finding and hiring employees, training and adaptation, grinding the team to each other - you no longer need to take the risks and lose money on staff salaries, because we guarantee results and take care of everything. As a result, you will get a running business, well-established business processes, trained personnel who are fully ready for work.